Sunday, December 14

one weekend, three parties

"the preschool holiday party"
Pictured above: Thomas, sporting antlers and a green beaded necklace, enjoys building Play-doh snowmen with friends Michael and Sierra. Held outdoors at a nearby park, the preschool holiday potluck had lots of food and drink, a gift exchange for the kids and an appearance by the classroom aide's hairless dog. "Tina" was a very sweet nekkid little puppy.

"the Saturday evening party w/friends"
Friends and their children gathered for a family holiday party complete with adult beverages like chocolate martinis (yum!), guilt-laden appetizers and desserts, an always-guaranteed-to-be-a-fun-time adult White Elephant gift exchange, and gift bags for all the children. One parent supplied personalized music CDs in each of the gift bags. Thomas loves his preschool music cd and I'm sure Meredith will love her toddler music cd, too. What a special treat!

"the playgroup holiday party w/Santa"
Thomas loves Santa and when he showed up at Grace's house today with bells jingling and a sack full of gifts, well... the boy was beside himself with excitement. Santa read stories, sang songs, did some magic tricks (!?), and gave each child a special gift bag the elves made special for them. Plenty of photo opportunities with Santa today and Thomas loved it. Meredith, on the other hand, stayed far away from the big guy but we did manage to snap a few family photos with him. She had a great time pushing Grace's doll stroller all over the house and sneaking goodies off the food table.

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