Tuesday, November 13

2 years & 6 months

Today Thomas hit the 2 and a 1/2 year mark. I love this age! He's so much fun and a joy to be around. I often find myself watching Thomas do or say something and think to myself wow, he really is just like his dad! People have told us his physical appearance is a perfect blend and he resembles both of us in different ways. I believe this and think his personality is the same. A little of his dad and a little of his mom which seems to be adding up to a really neat little guy. And one who is pretty chatty. Some interesting things we've heard lately...

When asked why he didn't nap one afternoon, he told me he was "cleaning the lint out from his toes". Seriously. And for the record, I have personally witnessed how meticulous he is so I can see how this activity may occupy him for a full two hours.

"Mmmmm. I like yucky sauce." (translation: I like Teriyaki sauce.)

When asked about Christmas gifts, he'll sometimes respond "college money". (We've been practicing this one!)

"I is."

"Thank you. You're welcome." You know, just in case the recipient of the Thank You didn't hear or simply forgot to respond back with You're Welcome. Thomas has you covered.

"Dad, you have a hurt penis... and a Harley!" (explanation: recent vasectomy)

1 comment:

Kelly(M&M) said...

This is definitely a fun age! I can't wait to meet Thomas in person sometime. We need to try and hook up again when I am back in town. I hope you are doing well. Your trip to the coast looked wonderful.