Sunday, April 15

Dan Zanes & Friends

We took Thomas to his first concert earlier today -- Dan Zanes & Friends. I wasn't sure what Thomas would make of a concert when I purchased our tickets (the crowd, the dark venue, the loud music, etc.), but was I in for a fun surprise! He had the best time and enjoyed it even more than I had hoped. It was so much fun to watch Thomas and his cousin J jump up and down smiling and laughing and then later to see Thomas dancing in the aisles. I don't think we've ever seen him so wound up. It was great family fun!

Thomas is fortunate to have so many different cousins of every age who all live near us. He loves hanging out with all of them and J is definitely a favorite! With just one year and a day between them, I can already see many good times in the years ahead. My hope is that they'll always have a very special friendship -- something closer to brothers rather than just cousins.

T & J watching the show from the balcony. This dirty handrail got clean between their clothes, hands, faces and mouths. Blech.

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