Wednesday, June 1

running kids

Today is National Running Day so the whole family did some running today!  Thomas and Meredith did theirs at the park this afternoon.  I suggested they wear shorts and a t-shirt since it was sunny and warm.  They have seen both of us go out for a run so many times that they know about all the "other" stuff that is involved when we run.  They wanted to pack a little Gatorade, chew gum while we ran, bring the half-empty package of Shot Blocks they've been eyeing (looks like a gummy candy) and wanted to wear their sweat wristbands so they could wipe the sweat off their brow as they ran.  They were so funny about the whole thing.  Our time was limited since it was before swim lessons, but Thomas ran a full mile and Meredith ran about half a mile total.   

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