Thursday, December 16

the traveling gingerbread man

When a friend in Portland recently asked if we'd help her daughter out with a geography project, we jumped at the opportunity. Today the package arrived from her containing a questionaire, project instructions and this sparkly gingerbread man. He's only with us for a short time (about 3 hours since we did a really quick turnaround) but the kids have loved having him. Thomas insisted he hang out with him while doing homework, then he had to come with us to the hotel for brochures, and then he had to join us for dinner, too. In all, it was a fun project for us to do so Thank You, Kaitlin! We learned some new things about the state of California, wandered around the Grand Pacific Palisades Resort in Carlsbad and enjoyed having this little guy hang out with us for a few hours.

1 comment:

shannon said...

I love it! A BIG thank you to Thomas (and you!) for helping Kaitlin out. I thought it was sweet that Thomas was the first person who popped in her head when I asked her to pick an out-of-state friend or family member. :) So cute.