Tuesday, September 15

Meredith & Ava

Meredith loves dance class (ballet and tap combination). Wait. That is an understatement. Meredith loves loves loves dance class. Seriously. She took classes last spring and through June but we took July and August off since we were traveling and Thomas was out of preschool. Last week her dance classes began again and every single day since then she's been asking when she'll get to go. She practices dance steps and positions at our house and while we are out in public all the time. She was very excited to go back to dance class again this morning. In her class of maybe 8 two year olds, she's pretty much the only one who is actually following direction, smiling and really trying every step. It's amazing to watch this little 2yo do her thing -- the teacher and all the other moms get the biggest kick out of her. And this morning she was equally excited to see that not only was Grace joining her again, but her little friend Ava, too. Fun!

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