Monday, May 25

Happy Birthday, Bela!

Today our sweet Bela is ten years old. We had just purchased and moved into our Westmoreland home when we came across a Vizsla breeder in Chehalis, WA with puppies available. I convinced Mike to go take a look at the puppies. But really, how could one look at a 7.5 week old Vizsla clearly choosing you and not take her home...?? She picked us and we couldn't be happier. She's still the best dog. Ever.
The kids have both been singing Happy Birthday to You! to Bela all day long. Thomas keeps referring to her as the "birthday girl". Special treats and a new squeaky toy were given to her by the kids, along with lots of birthday hugs. The best dog ever, most definitely, but also the luckiest dog. Ever.
Several weeks ago Bela had a tumor removed from her right front paw. She's currently undergoing radiation therapy for it and is doing very well. Tomorrow will be her 5th treatment out of 6 total and her final treatment will be later this week. Our fingers are crossed she'll be just fine and healthy for years to come!


Wendy said...

Happy Birthday Bella! Can't wait to show this picture to Logan when he gets home from school.

Cory said...

NO WAY! Bela and Trudi, my black Lab are exactly the same age! She got a new dish with her name on it for her birthday.