Wednesday, September 24

17 months

Seventeen things about my favorite little girl...
  1. ...and I do say "little girl" because she's thinning. Her chubby baby body is quickly being replaced by a much leaner body. I miss the fat legs and arms already!
  2. I put Meredith in a dress almost every day. She'll soon (I fear very soon) be wanting to choose what she wears so I've got to get in as many dress days as I can. There is nothing cuter than a little girl in a dress.
  3. This girl loves shoes. It's fun to take her shoe shopping with me because she tries on every shoe she can get her foot into. She often clomps around the bathroom in my shoes while I'm showering.
  4. She cries every single time we put her to bed. It doesn't matter if it's for a nap or for the night. Lately she'll even ask to be put into her crib, but the second you lay her down she'll pout and cry. Even if only for 2 seconds, she always cries. Always.
  5. Hearing the word "dance" or "your moves" or "your trick" will nearly always get her to stand up and move. She loves to dance!
  6. When her upper body is exposed, she rubs her baby-soft tummy until it's covered again.
  7. She copies everything that Thomas does. Everything.
  8. She doesn't like her "girl" hats, but will wear Thomas' old Nike baseball cap all day long without complaints. She wants to wear it.
  9. Those grocery carts with the cars in front make her so happy. If she drives the way she pretends to drive in 15 years, you may want to stay off the road when she's on it. There is much honking and waving and the steering wheel is always wildly moving.
  10. She'll munch on raw carrots, but doesn't swallow them. After chewing them up she spits them out. And then she'll ask for another.
  11. I once gave her a drop of my coffee because she wouldn't stop asking for it. I figured once she tasted it she'd stop... nope. She wanted more.
  12. Tickling is a new interest and she'll tickle everyone. Neither dog laughs when she's tickling them.
  13. Meredith is a pretty good eater and enjoys most foods. She prefers to feed herself, even if it's yogurt. She comes from a line of women who enjoy eating.
  14. I've told M we are NOT cutting her hair. Ever. It pokes her eyes and she rips out her hairclips once she's noticed them, but we are NOT cutting her hair. Ever. (Well, not for several more years at least!)
  15. She has a special twinkle in her eye when she sees her daddy. He has one for her, too.
  16. Her lower molars appeared last week (finally!). She now has 10 teeth.
  17. I often feel like I am raising my mother. I love who this little girl is and all the facets of her wonderful personality. Since the day she was born, she's always reminded me (and M) of my mom. Lucky for us, my mom is pretty amazing.

1 comment:

snoopy said...

What a sweet post! I love reading top ten lists (or in this case, top 17). I can't believe she's growing up so fast.