Sunday, July 10


We had a wonderful time in Oregon these past two weeks!  The drive was slow and long (two full days, one way) but worth it to spend the week with family and friends.  We enjoyed getting together with our families, our 21st Avenue neighborhood crew, old friends from our childhoods and playing with the little girl who lives next door to Grandma.  I didn't take nearly enough photos to capture all the fun we had, but below are a few.  They are totally out of order because I still haven't figured out how to organize photos I post with this new blogger setup. 
eating our weight in bacon and sausage

jumping for bubbles

sliding fun at Barclay school (my elementary!)

lounging in the pool with 5yo Charlie, Grandma's neighbor

hanging out with our fun cousins

making friends with Uncle Doug's cows

eating all our favorite Portland foods and drinks

making a lot of noise with illegal fireworks

trying to bounce high enough to touch the sky

slippin'-n-sliddin' with old friends

spending special time with Grandma

running personal bests in a local race

getting a thrill from holding our own fireworks

swimming in hotel pools

new tie-dye from the Portland Saturday Market

giving Tow Mater a little love

trampoline fun with Emily

entertaining ourselves with pipecleaners

road trip -- 4 full days total

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