Friday, January 21


I love learning the differences in our children. When Thomas was in preschool, I never learned a single thing about his day there. I would ask questions that required more than a no/yes response, but never did get more than a shrug and "I don't know" or "I don't remember". Then along came Meredith. We hear pretty much everything that goes on in preschool. I know who doesn't sing certain songs, who doesn't like someone else, who goes to Lunch Bunch, etc. When I ask (and I do every school day), I hear it all. Earlier this week she told us how the kids were all asked to write their names. According to her, only two of the girls could write their whole name -- herself and one other. She's been writing her name for at least a year, along with her brother's name and a few other words. This little girl is amazing!

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