Friday, January 22


Having a two year difference means we usually have playdates with either Meredith's friends or with Thomas' friends. Occassionally we'll do larger playdates with varying ages, but the smaller ones with our good friends we enjoy the most. Prior to last summer I was able to take Meredith to her weekly playgroup while Thomas was in preschool. I enjoyed those one on one times with her and I know she enjoyed seeing her friends each week. But this year Thomas is in afternoon preschool and while Meredith no longer naps and is free to play in the afternoons, nearly all her friends still nap. Our routine will shake up again in September when Thomas starts 1/2 day Kindergarten and Meredith begins preschool twice a week. It'll be nice to again have those 3 mornings a week for playdates just for Meredith. She's a social butterfly and thrives in these environments. Until then, we're enjoying playdates where Meredith is the little sister tagging along with the four boys or Thomas is the big brother hanging out with the little girls. Fortunately both kids are really great about it and there's never an issue, esp. when the playdate involves fun things that kids of all ages love like baking and decorating cupcakes. Yum!

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