Tuesday, April 22

We miss Westmoreland, too!

the kids model t-shirts received ~ M checks out some sticky balls (we don't miss those), T looks at the card and the girls sniff for the treats they received
There are neighbors and then there are neighbors. Maybe you are lucky enough to have those kinds of neighbors, too. You can call them at any time, day or night; request favors you wouldn't ask of just anyone; borrow food items, toys, movies, music; call for last-minute dinner plans, etc. and they do the same with you. And so it goes beyond just being neighbors. You become friends and it's great because the kids are friends, all the adults are friends with one another, the dogs even become friends... We miss having those kinds of neighbors.

Today we received a package full of items uniquely Portland with a card that simply read "Westmoreland misses you!". Aren't those kinds of neighbors great??

Greta & Bela don't sit like this for just any treat - these must have been extra good!

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