Friday, March 18


At Thomas' school, all Kindergarteners do karate. They start at the beginning of the school year and continue until the school year ends. Rain or shine, the students have "Kinderate" every Tuesday and Thursday morning. They each have a belt that is kept at school and during the year they earn stripes once they have successfully completed certain moves, combinations, or sayings. There are 4 different karate masters that come from a local studio. They stress self-discipline, setting and achieving goals, focus, courage and self-confidence. The program has been very successful and applauded at Thomas' school for focusing the kids and giving them specific goals to work on. Thomas loves it.
Today there was a belt ceremony where most of the students received their new belt. They demonstrated moves, combinations, and repeated sayings that they've memorized. Thomas did an excellent job and demonstrated the "Black Belt Focus" that his master kept saying. Yay, Thomas!!

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