Monday, November 15

40 days til Christmas!

mine ~ Meredith's ~ Thomas'
With the holidays always sneaking up on me, we've started thinking about them a little earlier this year. There's never enough time to do all the things we want to do, but I'm sure we'll find time to do most of them. Last week we started making some ornaments. This was our first attempt at these and we've learned some things along the way, but the kids have had a great time with this project. From rolling out their own dough to painting their finished products, they've really enjoyed it. Thomas is very much into painting his "realistically" while Meredith dabs on paint layer atop paint layer. She handed me each ornament as she finished painting and, more often than not, would say something like, "This one is done. I put glitter paint under the green paint." Sometimes it was purple and pink paint under the black. I love this little girl -- she never fails to make me giggle...

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