Wednesday, January 21

"Where do babies come from?"

Today we prepared dinners for two mama friends who've recently given birth to their second child. The kids waited in the car while making the deliveries so they didn't get to see the moms, babies or their friends, but after the second drop I told them all about the new baby I had just met. And that is how our Q&A session regarding babies and where they come from began. Thomas had many, many - oh! so many - questions.
Questions like:
"Where do babies come from?"
"Do mommies have the babies or do daddies have the babies?"
"How do babies get out of the mommy's tummy?"
"Do babies come out wearing clothes? What about diapers? Why not?"
"How did Meredith and I both fit in your tummy?"
"What did Meredith do while I was in your tummy?"
"Whose tummy were you in?"
"Whose tummy was daddy in?"
"What day was I born? Why was I born on my birthday?"
And then the line of questioning changed to:
"What is an in-law?"
Three year olds ask the best questions, don't they?

1 comment:

scott said...

The nice thing is you only need one answer for every question. "Go ask your father."