Thursday, December 4


with pal Michael at the Birch Aquarium & running on sugar
Three is such a fun age during the holidays. He understands everything from all the fun activites we do to the more serious things we participate in. This afternoon some playgroup friends gathered for a "wrap party". One mama supplied all the gift wrap materials and the rest of us brought gifts to be wrapped. For whom you wonder...?
Through a charitable organization, we adopted a "local family in need" for the holidays. Each of us purchased a clothing item (or two!) for a family member and also other items like personal products, non-perishables, toys, gift cards, etc. It's a great program and we are fortunate to know so many generous mamas who also wanted to participate. Though individually our contributions are small, collectively they'll make a huge difference for this one family. Christmas morning will be all that more magical for them this year.
We show our kids the importance of giving to those in need all throughout the year, but even more so during the holidays. It's important to us that our kids see us do this and that they participate as much as they can. Earlier this week the kids helped me pick out new pajamas for the 6 and 3 year old girls in our adopted family. We stuffed a holiday gift bag full with non-perishable foods -- all our favorite pastas and beans! And today, we brought these items to our friend's house to wrap. We've been talking about it all week and Thomas understands we've made the holidays a little brighter this year for these two little girls. That makes this mama feel good.

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