Tuesday, July 29


Meredith hosted a fun playdate this morning for five of her one-year-old friends. They all had such a good time; no one wanted to leave. She was seriously wiped out by the time everyone did leave. Thomas, of course, had many questions upon arriving home after preschool: did Bela use napkins in the playroom? where did this pink bear come from? whose wipes are these? what happened to the playroom? and on and on and on... Meredith had so much fun that I think we'll start inviting friends over to play regularly (bi-weekly?). I'm anticipating a long nap today for both the playdate hostess and the busy preschooler!

* For the curious ones out there: Meredith and I didn't feel the earthquake since we were busy playing with friends, M didn't feel it at his office, but Thomas says he felt it at preschool. He said he was eating lunch and the preschool building started shaking. Knowing how three-year-olds are, he may or may not have actually felt it.

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