Sunday, June 8

101 questions

harbor seals at Children's Beach (Casa Beach) in La Jolla
Just a typical conversation with our three year old on the streets of La Jolla yesterday afternoon...
me: "I have to go to the bathroom, too. Let's find one."
Thomas: "Mommy, do you pee out of your penis?"
me: "No, mommy doesn't have a penis."
Thomas: "Does pee come out of your bottom?"
M and I look at each other, trying to figure out how to best answer his question. I totally wimp out.
me: "No, mommy pees out of her "private area"."
But, of course, today I'm trying to understand why I responded in that way. Had Meredith asked me the question, I'd tell her exactly where mommy's pee (and hers!) comes out of. We don't use nicknames for body parts; Thomas has known for as long as he could talk that he has a penis. Why shouldn't he also know what the correct term is on the female's body? I feel so silly today.
T on the concrete breakwater (wall pictured at top) with his daddy

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