Saturday, December 8

O Christmas Tree!

We were fortunate to have gorgeous sunny weather today for our trip to a Christmas tree farm. I prefer the skinny, Charlie Brown-type tree and think 4 feet is perfect while M likes the perfectly conical variety that is taller than his 6 foot frame. We compromised on a great tree and Thomas agreed that it was the tree for us. M cut it down (above, left) and afterwards we warmed up with candy canes, cookies and hot chocolate (above, right). A perfect little family outing for us all with Meredith snug as a bug in the Ergo. She didn't complain once -- even with her cold and first two teeth coming in. She's such a trooper...
Afterwards we stopped by Grandma's house for a visit and some lunch. As luck would have it, their cousin Emily was there. Thomas loves Emily and she has incredible patience and interest for a 7-1/2 year old. She's always been so great with Thomas and now with Meredith. Thomas is going to have some stiff competition for Emily's attention because Meredith was very interested in Emily and really enjoyed spending time with her (and Grandma!) today.

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