Thursday, November 1

toddler trick-or-treat

This year our neighborhood playgroup organized a fantastic trick-or-treating experience for the toddlers. Several playgroup members put together special treats for the kids (homemade masks and bookmarks, plastic creepy crawlies, healthy treats, etc.) and we walked the neighborhood as a group, visiting each of their houses. It's a large playgroup and there was a sizeable turnout so I'm sure we were quite the sight! Anyway, given some things that had happened earlier in the week and Thomas' general uneasiness with Halloween costumes and decorations, I had a feeling we may not make it to all the homes and we didn't. We enjoyed trick-or-treating the first half before calling it a night. Perhaps next year he'll find the whole experience a little more enjoyable?
Since the night ended earlier than planned, we arrived home in time for our own neighborhood's trick-or-treaters. With no candy to give out (I didn't think we'd be home!), we didn't light up the pumpkins, we didn't turn on the front porch light and we turned off all the lights in the front half of our house. Yet, we still had trick-or-treaters come to our door...?! Isn't there some unwritten rule about the front porch light signaling to trick-or-treaters that you are or are not passing out goodies...?? We ended up eating dinner by candlelight and retreating to the back of the house to break out a Thomas the Tank Engine video Thomas received months ago (and play on the floor ~ see below). A perfect end to the evening for Thomas, for sure. By her smiles in the photos below, Meredith would probably agree!

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